Pumping Sucks 

So after a solid month of exclusively pumping I am tired, annoyed, and frustrated. 

Tired because it is exhausting to pump every 3-4hrs before or after feeding my son. And then clean up at 3am instead of passing back out. 

Annoyed because this machine is part of me now. Like my BFF but I hate it. 

And frustrated because I have not increased my supply at all, my right breast is significantly smaller, and it produces a lot less than my left.  Ugh! 

Why is all this so difficult? Breastfeeding was crazy challenging and painful for us. I wish I was stronger or could take the pain and “get through” like other moms have. Supposedly it gets better – I felt like it was getting worse. 

I probably am just sleep deprived, emotionally drained, and fear I am not doing enough for my son. 

The struggles of a new mom are really really ridiculous sometimes. How can we be saddled with so much and be successful? Dads just don’t understand all the worry, anxiety, and work that goes into all this. 

I guess we just figure it out. I hope I do… I hope.

5 thoughts on “Pumping Sucks 

  1. Pumping does suck! I would recommend that you join your local La Leche League International, at least via facebook – lots of great tips and you can get advice anytime you need it. It’s totally normal for one breast to produce more, and you’ll find that they alternate from time to time as well. Your lower producer may be your rockstar during a session or two one day. I have a great lactation cookie recipe to help boost supply, they’re super hearty with oats and chocolate chips, but my husband even loves them (he makes them for me, how sweet!?). http://theprojectowl.com/post/51987151955/peanut-butter-flax-brewers-yeast-and-oatmeal

    Also, I’ll let you in on a secret (maybe?) that totally changed my life! Did you know you don’t have to wash your pump parts after every pumping session? You can just put them in a gallon size bag and toss them in the refrigerator or a cooler with ice packs after every session, I just sanitize once a day. The same applies to bottles, but I switch mine out after every few feedings but otherwise just toss them back in the fridge until it’s time to warm up the next bottle.

    Hope those things help, if you didn’t know them already. I’ve found that it is really hard, but it’s made a lot easier the more resources, support, and encouragement you have. Give yourself a huge pat of the back, because you’re working so hard to give your babies the absolute best and perfect nutrition, despite whatever breastfeeding challenges you may have faced (I had a ton with my preemie twins). Good job!


    1. Thank you so much for your advice. I have attended LLL meeting and thankfully have a lot of family and friends that have a tons of knowledge. I agree that the more support I have the better I feel. I will be making that recipe soon! I’ve been adding Brewers yeast to my shakes. Hope it makes a difference.

      Wow! Twins. You are amazing! I can’t imagine having another baby and worrying about breastfeeding and pumping too.


  2. I feel you, sister. One month here of exclusively pumping. I’m also tired, exhausted and frustrated. My nipples are the size of tater tots (tmi but I know you know what I mean). That suction is a monster. My supply is extremely low right now because I’ve slowly increased the time between pumps. Every 2-3 hours were too much for me and I was making way more than she could eat. Now I’m not making enough. I also fear I’m not doing enough for her, but she is gaining her weight and her physical exam yesterday was perfect, or so the doctor says. I think in our minds we want flawlessness but we need to understand that this is a huge adjustment and it’s an extremely mental, emotional, physical challenge. But I know I’m doing my best. And I know you’re doing your best. We just need to keep that in mind from time to time. Hang in there, momma. Any drop of milk you give her is a gift. And if your heart is no longer in it anymore, that’s ok too. Remember feeding should be a bonding experience, not a chore. I’ve just had to make the switch (not completely though pretty much right there) and I feel that feeding is now more enjoyable for us both.

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    1. Thanks for sharing. I agree with everything you said- and we are both doing our best and what we need to for our babies. Ugh I wish it easier and more enjoyable. I get in funks where I have a rough couple days and then I start feeling better about it again. When I am feeding him I feel a lot more relaxed when I’m not rushing to pump or worried about if he has enough. Slowly I have gotten used to supplementing with formula. Wish I didn’t have to but it is what it is. He’s a big eater!

      It’s good to know I’m not alone.

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  3. Pumping is a hassle, but keep positive. It all comes down to your mood. Try pumping while watching a movie or doing online shopping *lol* I usually pump after a nice hot bath, having a cup of chocolate or after a massage. The LDR is amazing! These work for me..

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